Sunday, March 31, 2013

Will there ever be Instagram for BlackBerry 10?

As a follow up to my previous post, I had quite a bit of fun with updating Endomondo with a bit of BB10 goodness (photoshopped). So I thought why not do the same for Instagram. Personally, I really don’t see much point in doing so other than just for the fun of it. If it ever made it to BB10, I am sure they will like to keep the same UI to maintain uniformity. Nonetheless, here goes nothing…

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Will there ever be Endomondo for BlackBerry 10?

In a press release on the 1st of May 2012, Endomondo Co-Founder Mette Lykke was quoted as saying:

“BlackBerry’s influence remains a worldwide phenomenon, which matches Endomondo’s reach. With 8 million users around the globe, including many BlackBerry devotees, Endomondo recognizes the value of supplying BlackBerry 10 users with access to the capabilities of the mobile Endomondo Sports Tracker and social fitness network.”

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Why BlackBerry 10?

"Why BlackBerry 10?" is one of the question that is being asked constantly by many. Having used all 4 major platform extensively, I thought I would give my own take on it, and why I choose BlackBerry 10 instead of other seemingly more viable options.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Apps recommendation for new BB10 users

Just got a spanking new Z10? Not sure where to start? Here are some useful apps and games for BB10 that I use myself.

Monday, March 11, 2013

BlackBerry Z10 Goodness

It has been less than a week since I got my Z10. Despite some minor bugs in the OS, it works really well. Of course the other thing would be the ecosystem. Since whatsapp has been announced to be here, I only have one other app that I really would like to see on BlackBerry 10. Endomondo. It is the only reason that I still use my Nexus 4. Just for the purpose of using endomondo.

Friday, March 8, 2013

BlackBerry Z10 & LG Nexus 4

First of all, let me apologise for the potato I used to take these photos. I was unable to find a better camera at the time I decided to post this.

Also, I will not be talking about actual specs, those can be found easily on the interwebs. I will also be selective in choosing features that matters to me more to discuss. You may say its bias, and IT IS. This is not about which phone is better than the other, its about which phone suits ME better. So it does not matter if one phone does something better that does not matter to me. If you are looking for a platform dissing article, you should move along.