Friday, April 26, 2013

BlackBerry 10.1 : Skype

Here’s the skype preview app on the BlackBerry Z10. It does work pretty smoothly for an Android Port, plus there is notifications in the Hub too, meaning the app doesn’t have to be running for you to receive calls.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

BlackBerry 10.1 : Instant Actions

Amongst a bunch of new features in BlackBerry 10.1, I have to say my favourite has to be Instant Actions. In a nutshell, this allows for a list of built-in “Actions” within the Universal Search of BlackBerry 10.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Re-Imagining the Q10

Well, the picture speaks for itself. I am imagining a Q10 that is more Z10 than Bold 9900, meaning a more boxy look. Well, before I explain why, let me just show you the back, and first explain what I changed exactly.

Testing HDMI on the BlackBerry Z10

Testing the HDMI out on the BlackBerry Z10.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

BlackBerry 10 Slider?

Apparently, BlackBerry has been awarded a patent filed in the December of 2011 for a portrait slider. As with most patent companies file for, this may or may not come to fruition at all.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Getting Physical

Despite what would be considered a bizarre Music Video in my opinion, Olivia Newton-John puts it perfectly here, “Let’s Get Physical”. A perfect Music Video for the upcoming launch of the BlackBerry Q10.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stereo Speakers on the Next BlackBerry 10 device Please!

The thing that I really love on the PlayBook, is how awesome its speakers are, and how they were positioned so that when you are watching a video in landscape mode. I was kind of disappointed when they did not follow through on this design on the Z10 to be honest.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Browser Showdown: BlackBerry Z10 & LG Nexus 4

A competent browser is an important aspect of a smartphone, and BlackBerry has not been known for having a brilliant browser. If anything, BlackBerry of old, running the legacy BBOS has been known to induce a Hulk-like rage whenever users wait for pages to load. Well, this might be a tad exaggerated, but you get my point.

So with the new BlackBerry 10 operating system, has that changed? Today I will do a comparison with a Nexus 4, which has the latest Android OS in the market.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

BlackBerry 10 Quick Settings Idea

Let’s not beat around the bush here. The screenshot on the left is my proposed idea, the one on the right is current implementation.