Friday, May 17, 2013

Why BBM?

With the recent announcement that BBM will be going cross-platform, I am sure some of you guys who have never used BBM will be wondering why you should even download BBM for your Android or iOS smartphone. So today, I am going to try and explain why.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

BlackBerry Live Screenshots Recap

BlackBerry Live officially kicked off yesterday at 9PM local time. Lots of exciting news was revealed, and I am still trying to get my head around most of them. The headaches and cold I am having are certainly not helping. So I am just going to do a quick recap based on the screenshots I captured.

Thoughts on BBM

Here’s the latest updates regarding BBM, its going cross platform, and there is a new service called BBM Channels. If you do not know about that yet, go read the links. Now the other question that I have, is that would BBM work cross platform?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Let's Get Physical... again

More than a year ago, I wrote an article titled “Let’s Get Physical”, talking about how there is still a place for Physical Keyboards on a smartphone. More than a year has passed, and virtual keyboard technology has improved by leaps and bounds. BlackBerry 10 is now in the hands of consumers, and the first BlackBerry 10 device with a physical QWERTY keyboard will soon be release in Singapore. So, I thought this would a good time to revisit that topic. Is having a physical keyboard still worth sacrificing the screen size?